Durcast blocks for impact area

The union between wear resistant cast iron and steel

Durcast is a cast iron with very high wear resistance that can be processed very easily. Composed of blocks of chromium
molybdenum cast iron blocks combined by a metallurgical bond with a weldable S235 steel base, Durcast is an excellent compromise between the two materials:

From one hand, white cast iron, which is exceptionally hard and resistant to wear, is almost impossible to weld and difficult to bolt due to its mechanical properties. On the other hand, S235 steel is a material easy to process but has poor wear resistance performance.


Advantages of combining the two materials

S235 base:

  • Easy to weld, even with high strength steels such as Dursteel wear resistant steel
  • Machinability
  • Easy forming
  • Ability to absorb shocks (shock absorber function)

For the white cast iron block:

  • Very high wear resistance
  • Perfect abrasion behaviour under high stress
  • Resistance to corrosive environments due to the chromium content
  • Specific shapes obtained by moulding

Joining between the two components is obtained by brazing at high temperature in inert atmosphere furnace, using a copper alloy.

NB: the breaking strength of the brazing (>250 MPa) is higher than the yield strength of S235 steel. There is therefore no risk of separation between the cast iron block and its support.